Sabtu, 21 Maret 2020

How can we share our experience?

Hello everyone!

Do you like telling stories to others? 

People say that experience is the best teacher. The more we experience things the more we learn. Unfortunately, we are limited by time and chances. Sometimes, sharing experience to others can help us to enrich each other's life.

So, here's the next question.
How can we tell our experience to others?

Please check my story first.
My precious experience
Does it sound interesting? Hopefully.
I tried to share my experience using recount text. 

What is recount text? 
Our friend will tell you more about recount text through this video. Just click and check it out. ( ).

In short, recount text is the one we can use to share our past experiences. It consists of three main structures (orientation, list of events and reorientation)

Look at my text again.

It uses past tense. We can notice it from the verbs that are used (look at the words in yellow highlights) and the to be (the blue highlights).

The first part is orientation. As you can see, it introduces the writer (I, as the writer) and the highlight of the experience (where and when).

Recount text (especially in the second part-list of events) is written chronologically, from time to time. It makes it easier for the readers to follow the story. The transitional words such as 'after'and 'then' help to make the story runs smooth.

Now, let's move to the last part, reorientation.

This part is no less important. It concludes the experience that we share. It usually uses particular adjectives to support our impression. Referring to my text, I use the word 'tired', 'pleased', and 'unforgettable'.

So, can you conclude? How did I feel about visiting GWK? Drop your comment below. 👩

Okay. I think that's all I can tell you about recount text. If you have any questions, feel free to discuss with me through the comment.

Now. I challenge you to do this set of question. These are all about recount texts.

Have fun with it.

Best regards,
Ms. Ratnana

6 komentar:

  1. Bagaimana kalau menceritakan pengalaman dengan kalimat negatif?

  2. Hallo, Dian. Thank you for your question.
    For negative sentence you can use S + did + not + V1
    Example: Saya tidak membeli cendera mata di GWK --> I did not buy any souvenir at GWK.
    You can also use S + was/were + not + adjective to describe condition ora feeling.
    Example: Mereka tidak senang karena harganya terlalu mahal --> They were not happy because the price was too expensive.

    Does it help? You can share your story here :)

  3. bagaimanakah cara cepat memberi pelajaran bahasa Inggris pada anak bu

    1. Hello Pak.
      Thanks for your question.
      Salah satu cara yang efektif untuk belajar bahasa Inggris bagi anak adalah melalui kegiatan membaca secara ekstensive. Dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan Extensive reading atau reading for pleasure.Dengan tehnik ini anak diharapkan tidak antipati dulu dengan bahasa Inggris.

  4. Bagaimana cara belajar bahasa inggris yang sederhana dan efekrif mudah dimengerti...

    1. Halo Pak,
      salah satu tips untuk belajara bahasa yang efektif menurut saya adalah belajar dengan sesuatu yang kita suka. Kalau suka nyanyi ya cari lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris. Kalau suka nonton film ya nonton film dengan subtitle bahasa Inggris. Kalau suka baca ya dengan baca buku bahasa Inggris. Kuncinya harus jatuh cinta dulu dengan yang mau dipelajari. setelah itu rasanya tidak akan menjadi beban tapi sebuah kesenangan.
