Hello everyone,
welcome back to my page.
Do you know what does a journalist do? Yes, they usually report some news to the audience or listeners. I think their job is cool. Maybe some of you are interested to be a journalist later when you grow up, aren't you?
When the journalists report a live event in English, they will use present continous tense. So, we will learn about it through this post.
I will tell you briefly about present continous tense through this video. I recorded it few months ago. Check it out.
In short, here are some key points of present continous tense:
- Present continous tense is used to describe condition which is happening at the moment of speaking.
- The word like now, at the moment, at present, this time are the signal words commonly found in present continous text.
- These are the structures for the sentence formation:
| |
Subject + is/am/are + v1 + ing.
I am creating a blog post.
She is cooking dinner.
They are playing outside.
Subject + is/am/are + not + v1 + ing.
I am not typing an email.
He is not teaching about simple past.
We are not going to the market together.
Is/am/are + subject + v1 + ing?
Are you waiting for me?
Is she calling the doctor?
Am I doing the right thing?
Here I attach some work by my previous students related to the use of present continous tense. They are reporting about one big event in our school, SMPN 2 Salatiga. Look at their work.
I think their work is great. It looks like a live report on the spot. Don't you want to give it a try? It is fun. Trust me. 👩
Now, it's time for you to practice. Are you ready? Please take a moment to fill in the worksheet. I'm waiting for your response.
Best regards,
Ms. Ratnana
Now, it's time for you to practice. Are you ready? Please take a moment to fill in the worksheet. I'm waiting for your response.
Best regards,
Ms. Ratnana
Miss saya mau menambah kosakata saya, tapi saya belum tahu caranya gimana miss. Ada rekomendasi kah miss?
BalasHapusHello Kurnia,
Hapusini beberapa tips untuk menambah kosakata Bahasa Inggrismu:
1. cari lirik lagu barat yang kamu suka, cari kata-kata yang kamu belum tahu, lalu bisa cek kamus atau Google Translate
2. kalau suka main game, perhatikan penggunaan kosakatanya
3. baca buku cerita dalam bahasa Inggris/bilingual
4. follow blog saya atau follow beberapa youtuber yanng concern dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.
5. coba ngobrol dengan bahasa Inggris bersama temanmu :D
6. tulis jurnal harian dalam bahasa Inggris (5 kaliamt saja per hari)
semoga beberapa tips itu membantu
Menarik sekali ms, ide pengajaran Present Continuous dengan memanfaatkan sosial media, anak anak pasti excited dengan tugasnya. Apa saja tanyangan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya Ms, rencana saya juga mau menggunakan metode ini ... :D
BalasHapusHello, Pak Guru.
BalasHapusTantangan yang kemarin saya hadapi sebagai guru adalah harus lebih sigap dalam memberi feedback pada pekerjaan peserta didik. Jadi mereka bisa lebih termotivasi untuk segera mengerjakan tugasnya. Yang kedua, harus mematangkan konsep present continous sebelum terjun untuk reporting. Yang ketiga, harus mau proaktif mengawasi kinerja anak-anak, karena tidak semua anak dare to ask question ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan. Yang terakhir, tidak semua anak memiliki media sosial jadi harus memastikan mereka mendapat akses tugas yang sama. Seingat saya seperti itu.Ditunggu kabar selanjutnya ya :D